Backstage Beauty: Creatures of the Wind’s Cool Skater Girls

Creatures of the Wind SS’15

Creatures of the Wind SS’15

The designing duo behind Creatures of the Wind, Shane Gabier and Christopher Peters, loosened up their look for spring. The long lines and somber hues that marked their fall collection were gone. In their place: pastels, primary colors and a general sense of cheer that was infectious. From the beginning, the label has enlisted NARS to provide their girls with their beauty looks, and this season, it was no different. The girls looked clean and fresh, with a focus on flushed cheeks and clean brows.

“Skater boys were the inspiration for this look, it’s raw, a little undone and effortlessly cool,” said Nars Director of Global Artistry James Boehmer. “The models looked great when they showed up for the casting — great skin, lots of freckles and a left over summer-vacation look to them, so we groomed the brows and gave the cheeks a flushed, overheated look.”

The clean flush was in contrast to the peppy prints and homespun embroideries that the brand incorporated into the spring collection. Boehmer used new shades for both lips and eyes (look for Ligueria lipstick and Vent Sante gloss come spring) and Nars’ clear brow gel to tame brows. Bohemer used the same lip gloss on eyelids and on lips, which is more of a runway move than something you’d want to create in real life, but for the cool, downtown gals that walked the runway, that hint of shine was the perfect thing to keep things a little unexpected. To get a more user-friendly version of the look, try a dab of Nars’ 413 Blkr Illuminator ($30) on bare lids.

Images courtesy NARS


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